will assist you to pass the
NY State licensing exams.


Licensed Career Institute, LLC. is dedicated to being a successful educational facility and not just a successful business.

We believe that by working tirelessly in assisting our students to pass the New York State licensing exam, we are guaranteeing our own financial success as well as the success of our students. Secondly, our mission is to try to match graduates with career opportunities that will lead to success in the insurance industry. We will help you write your own definition of success.

Licensed Career Institute is a relatively recent addition to the list of insurance schools in New York State. We believe that the insurance industry is a career rather than a job and want to help individuals pass the licensing exam so that they can take advantage of this opportunity. New York State requires that licensee applicants finish 40 hours of class instruction in order to qualify for a license. At LCI we believe more is better and therefore offer 46 total hours of instruction. This consists of 6 days in class for 7 hours per day plus additional at home assignments. The New York State exam is challenging and we believe the additional instructional time we provide is one of the causes for our high pass percentage.

The other option to class time is online courses. These are useful for certain students but not for everyone. They offer flexibility which often leads to procrastination. Also, there is nothing like a class room environment to encourage discussion and exchange of ideas. Sometimes another student will be able to verbalize an issue better and will help the entire class to grasp the concept.

Our instructors are taught the LCI teaching technique which is also a factor in our high student pass percentage. This technique involves mutual effort from both the instructor and the student which leads to students that are involved and attentive. We encourage questions because one of the advantages of being in a classroom is the presence of the teacher to immediately clarify anything that is not grasped immediately. We also give a 150 question test that must be passed before the student receives a completion certificate from us. We believe giving 150 questions instead of 100 will better prepare the student with regard to time management when they take the State test.

Check the study material page to see what our fee for the course is and what is included in that fee. There are also additional services that are available to help students overcome the hurdle of the exam and enter into a career in the insurance industry.